September 2021
Remedywear being featured in an article on 6 #EczemaWarriors Share Their Survival Tips by Alexis Smith on Health Central.
June 2021
Remedywear being featured in an article on Wrapping Up Severe Eczema on Health Central.

December 2018
Read Abby's review of Remedywear over at Prime Physique Nutrition.
September 2018
The rave reviews for Remedywear keep pouring in! Check out this one from The Naturalistic Nurse - she wears the eczema shirt to sleep and to work under her nursing scrubs.
September 2018
Eczema Holistic Healing's Jen Hall is loving our new Remedywear shirts and pants!
August 2018
Cassie of the Naturalistic Nurse tells us about why Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is her absolutely favorite eczema product.
August 2018
Itchin Since 87' loves our new Remedywear tops and pants for adults in soothing TENCEL and zinc fibers.
July 2018
Kortney of Allergy Girl Eats finds comfort with our new Remedywear clothing for eczema and Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream.
January 2018
Check out our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream featured in Sacramento Parent!
November 20, 2017
Our clothing works great for eczema, but autism as well since it protects the skin from habitual scratching. Check out what Little Mama Jama has to say about our ScratchMeNot flip mitten sleeves and Scratch Mitten Pajama Tops!
November 13, 2017
The Allergista loves our latex free panties that are also 100% organic cotton panties - check out her video review!
October 18, 2017
Anais of Dermveda has been using our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream for her eczema for months with great results!
August 21, 2017
The Allergista tries our Hypoallergenic socks and loves them - they are perfect for her polyester allergy!
June 16, 2017
"I didn’t expect to like the Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream as much as I did. But I do. It’s an all-around win that rivals its pricier competition." Jacqueline of The Beauty Proof.
April 26, 2017
The Beauty Proof's whole family loves our Organic Calendula Oil. Find out how they each use it here.
March 28, 2017
The Eczema Company announces a partnership with Documenting Hope. We will donate 1% of every sale to the non-profit set to prove childhood illness is reversible. Read the release here.
February 22, 2017
Lisa from 100 Days of Real Foods found relief for her daughter's dry, itchy skin with our Organic Manuka Honey Skin Cream. Check out their tips on Natural Remedies for Eczema too!
Dec 29, 2016
Shop With Me Mama discusses if children can grow out of eczema and shares about her experience with The Eczema Company.
Dec 19, 2016
Read founder, Jennifer Roberge's story over at Demystifying Eczema via Sarita Coren.
December 3, 2016
Create. Play. Travel raves about how our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream "is like a drink of water for my hands. It goes on smoothly, softens dry areas, and doesn't feel greasy. Because it sits on your skin for a bit due to the oils, it's best to apply before bed for long lasting moisturizing all night long. I even put it on my lips as a natural lip balm. Love."
November 17, 2016
Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream and ScratchMeNot Mittens help to clear up Emily's son's skin.
November 4, 2016
The Soft Landing highly recommends our line of skincare for natural treatments for keratosis pilarus.
October 20, 2016
Our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream has just won the Green Scene Mom's 2016 Award! Check it out here. And see the full list of winners here.
October 5, 2016
Read this emotional story of one mother's journey from eczema to holistic living...AND she swears by our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream!
September 28, 2016
Sarah Kay Hoffman talks about her favorite skincare products for mama and baby and some of our products make the cut!
September 9, 2016
You won't believe how well our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream healed up SimpleMom's daughter's chin rash!
August 26, 2016
Read The Paleo Mom's 4 tips to combat eczema - HINT: she recommends our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream.
August 1, 2016
The Allergista says our Comfymitt top with mittens is everything she'd hoped it would be!
April 13, 2016
Manuka Honey Skin Cream clears up one little boy's eczema over at Beauty Brite. Check it out!
March 25, 2016
Top Eczema Treatments discusses the benefits of Manuka Honey for eczema and lists our Manuka Honey Skin Cream as her top recommendation!
March 24, 2016
Ashley of Itchin Since 78' is thrilled about discovering our Bamboo Gloves and Emily's Skin Soothing Soap.
February 24, 2017
Emily's Hot Skin Soother healed The Allergista's itchy, red contact dermatitis.
January 16, 2016
Jubilee Health interviews owner, Jennifer Roberge, about how she healed her son's severe eczema.
January 13, 2016
Owner Jennifer Roberge shares her 6 Steps for Keeping Your Family's Skin Soft All Winter with MommyNearest.
January 4, 2016
Mommy Greenest's Rachel Sarnoff, former CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, gives The Eczema Company her top approval in this review.
December 16, 2015
The Allergista reviews our Emily's Baby & Adult Skin Soother and loves it for dry eczema.
November 27, 2015
Owner Jennifer Roberge speaks about Eczema for National Awarness Month on CKUT's Friday Morning After. Listen to the clip HERE.
November 22, 2015
Two reviews from Mama Holistica - en Espanol! WrapESoothe sleeves AND Emily's Adult & Baby Skin Soother.
November 20, 2015
Owner, Jennifer Roberge, interviews with Caitie of Naturalla Beauty.
November 11, 2015
The Smitten Word heals her peeling elbows with our Manuka Honey Skin Cream.
November 7, 2015
Heather of MomMomOnTheGo finally found an eczema-safe laundry solution for your daughter with the SmartKlean Laundry Ball.
November 6, 2015
Emily Skin Soothers are the go-to product for eczema for Sarah of Nature's Nurture.
October 28, 2015
News Release: New Kids Song Offers Different Kind of Eczema Treatment
October 25, 2015
Sarah Ballatyne, Ph.D., aka The Paleo Mom, loves our Manuka Honey Skin Cream!
October 19, 2015
Mama Holistica tries out our Emily's Baby & Adult Skin Soother - in Spanish!
October 7, 2015
It's a Lovely Life shares her tips for keeping her daughter comfortable with eczema and it includes our Manuka Honey Skin Cream.
September 16, 2015
The Flawless Program loves natural eczema treatments! Check out her recommendations from The Eczema Company.
September 13, 2015
Prime Physique Nutrition likes using our Manuka Honey Skin Cream as an ultra rich skin soothing barrier.
July 23, 2015
Inquisitive Mom reviews our Manuka Honey Skin Cream (her daughter loves it!) and the allergy friendly SmartKlean Laundry Ball.
July 8, 2015
Owner, Jennifer Roberge, shares her story with Allergic Living Magazine about battling her son's eczema and how this health condition fueled her passion to help others by starting The Eczema Company.
March 23, 2015
Our Bamboo Eczema gloves for adults and children made Savvy Mom's Pick of the Week!
March 4, 2015
Our Baby & Adult Emily Skin Soother and Soap rank as the #1 Health Resource by Carrots for Michaelmas.
February 23, 2015
See The Eczema Company owner, Jennifer Roberge's, perspective on allergist cutbacks in Montreal in this interview with CBC.
January 16, 2015
Check out Naturalla Beauty's top products for winter hand cream. A hint: Manuka Honey Skin Cream is featured!
December 15, 2014
We're featured over at Solve My Space!
December 12, 2014
Naturalla Beauty adores our top selling Manuka Honey Skin Cream.
November 29, 2014
Prime Physique Nutrition interviews The Eczema Company founder, Jennifer Roberge, about how to implement dietary changes for eczema healing in this podcast.
November 26, 2014
Fit & Fluffy Mama sees quick results for her own weepy eczema with our Lavender Tallow Balm and Bamboo Gloves.
May 18, 2014
Mama Papa Barn sees results with several of our natural products. Take a look!
April 23, 2014
After years of eczema struggles, Gena of Captain Fussy Buckets, finally finds dry, itchy skin relief with WrapESoothe tops and bottoms for wet wrap therapy.
April 16, 2014
Over at Nature's Nurture you'll find a raving review of our Emily's Baby & Adult Skin Soother and Skin Soothing Soap.
March 1, 2014
So Easy Being Green uses the Emily Baby & Adult Skin Soother to relieve her daughter's eczema.
June 13, 2013
The Allergista reviews EczeHerbal ointment and finds it relieves her itchy skin.
May 3, 2013
Family Focus Blog uses our Manuka Honey Skin Cream to heal her son's bumpy rash.
April 23, 2013
See GoumiMitts featured in SavvyMom's Best Baby Shower Gift Guide!
November 15, 2012
Goumi Mitts praised in Green Gift Guide. (found on pg. 38)
Jennifer's guest article "Avoid the Eczema-Winter Blues with these Natural Cold Weather Tips" (found on pg. 56)
Both in Green Child Magazine's Holiday 2012 Issue.
October 23, 2012
New Eco-Friendly Wet Wrap Therapy Garments from AD RescueWear Available at The Eczema Company Source:
October 4, 2012
The Eczema Company Pledges Donation for National Eczema Awareness Month Source:
August 21, 2012
New Itchy Skin Collection Gives Parents Something to Smile About Source:
Sept. 27, 2011
New Website, The Eczema Company, Makes Children’s Eczema Products Accessible to US & Canada. Source:
Sept. 22, 2011
Mom with Eczema Child sets up online store, The Eczema Company. Source: