woman pouring a water bottle on her face

Dealing with Eczema in Summer

As temperatures rise and the sun shines brighter, most of us eagerly await the summer heat. However, for those with eczema, the summer brings new challenges! The increased sun exposure, sweating, dryness, and allergens in the hot summer months create the perfect cocktail of potential eczema triggers.

In this blog, we will be tackling the challenge of managing eczema symptoms in summer, covering everything you need to know about:

  • What eczema triggers summer can bring 

  • How to tell the difference between heat rash and eczema

  • The best tips and treatments for managing summer eczema flare-ups

Read on to learn more about how to protect and treat your sensitive skin in the summer months so that you can enjoy this summer season to the fullest!

How Does Summer Trigger Eczema?

Although winter is often seen as the worst time of year for atopic dermatitis sufferers, summer's low humidity and dry air can also trigger eczema flares. Hot air triggers eczema as it dries out the skin and can lead to inflammation. Combined with summer activities like swimming and sunbathing, the hot weather can cause your previously controlled eczema to go into turmoil.


Sweating is our body's natural defense mechanism to avoid overheating. In summer, the increased heat and humidity make sweating unavoidable; however, sweat can aggravate eczema-prone skin in several ways for those with eczema and atopic dermatitis. 

Our sweat contains various salts that can be irritating to sensitive and broken skin, which is experienced by many eczema patients. According to the National Eczema Association, sweat contains zinc, copper, iron, nickel, cadmium, lead, manganese, sodium, and chloride, and when these build up on the skin, they can cause irritation.

You may notice that your atopic dermatitis symptoms are worse in areas where moisture gets trapped, such as the back of the kneeselbows, and neck. Sometimes, sweat can build up in these areas and attract bacteria, causing yeast infections, which only add to itching symptoms!


As summer rolls in, so do the seasonal allergies. An increased amount of pollen in the air can cause the skin to release histamine, which creates an itching sensation that can intensify eczema symptoms. Dust and insect bites can also worsen atopic dermatitis symptoms.

Heat Rash or Eczema Flare Up?

It can be difficult to tell whether your summertime rash is an eczema flare-up or a different skin condition caused by the hot weather - like heat rash. Heat rash, also known as miliaria, is caused by a blockage in the sweat glands that triggers a localized immune response. This immune response leads to a raised rash, often with a stinging, burning, or itching sensation, which is why heat rash is sometimes referred to as 'prickly heat.' 

Heat rash typically arises in hot and humid conditions and is most common in babies and children, as their sweat glands are smaller and become blocked more easily. Thankfully, heat rash is rarely serious and usually clears up on its own quickly. 

How to Spot The Difference

Heat rash typically looks like groups of small bumps on the skin that resemble pimples or blisters. On lighter skin tones, this rash often appears red; however, for darker skin tones, the difference between a heat rash and an eczema rash can be much more subtle.

The most distinguishing feature is that most eczema rashes are scaley and dry, whereas heat rash tends to be bumpy without scale. Although the methods used to treat eczema and heat rash are fairly similar, a dermatologist should always be consulted for an accurate diagnosis. 

Top Tips for Happy, Healthy Summer Skin

1. Hydrate!

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining healthy skin, especially in warmer weather. Drinking water consistently throughout the day helps to keep your body temperature down and your skin hydrated from the inside out!

2. Stay Dry

Keeping your skin dry in humid weather is important to prevent eczema flares. If you feel you are sweating through your clothes, swap your wet clothes for dry clothes as soon as possible. If you like to exercise outside, try to avoid excessive sweating by working out in the early morning or evening hours when the sun's rays are less intense and showering as soon as possible to rinse any sweat.  

The Eczema Association recommends that people with eczema wear loose-fitting clothes in breathable fabrics and avoid synthetic fibers. Our Remedywear™ (TENCEL + Zinc) Hypoallergenic Bra is a great option for those with eczema, as it is made from natural, moisture-wicking materials guaranteed to provide breathable comfort without irritation.

3. Avoid Direct Sun Exposure

Sunburn is not a great look on anyone, but for those with atopic dermatitis, dehydration and sunburn can have lasting damage to the skin. Experts recommend choosing a physical sunscreen (sometimes called a mineral sunscreen) instead of using chemical sunscreens that can irritate sensitive and eczema-prone skin.

Wearing long-sleeve clothes that protect your skin from the sun's rays is recommended. Try our Remedywear™ (TENCEL + Zinc) Long Sleeve Shirt, designed to combat the urge to scratch and provide a form-fitting, gentle layer of protection for sensitive areas on the arms, chest, and back. 

4. Shower Daily 

Taking a bath or shower each day is essential to help clear the skin of bacteria, sweat, and dust that has accumulated over the course of the day, especially in summer. The salt from the ocean and chemicals in chlorinated pools can aggravate sensitive skin, so it is recommended to bring along a spray bottle of water and use it to rinse off your skin immediately if there is no shower in sight.

Don't forget to follow up by reapplying moisturizer and sunscreen to protect the skin and keep it from drying out!

5. Moisturize!

Moisturizing is essential for restoring the skin's protective barrier, especially in summer. Our Emily Hot Skin Soother is specially created using certified safe herbs to effectively relieve and treat heat rash, sweat rashes, red eczema, and other burning rashes across the body.

5. Allergy Management

As mentioned above, allergies are a common eczema trigger. Using an air purifier to help remove dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air in your home can help reduce skin irritation. Our Remedywear™ (TENCEL + Zinc) Pants are hypoallergenic and embedded with anti-inflammatory zinc, meaning that they help protect your skin from potential allergens and support your skin's healing process. 

Protect and Soothe Your Skin Today!

Follow these tips to help you protect your skin and manage your eczema flare-ups this summer.