man scratching eczema on neck

Why Does Eczema Cause a Burning Sensation?

Bouts of dry skin will be a familiar occurrence for most people, whether caused by changes in the weather, emotional stress, or a lack of hydration.

But if your dry skin is itching and burning, these more severe symptoms might point towards an underlying skin condition requiring tailored treatment methods.

Throughout this post, we'll explore everything you need to know about:

  • The common causes and symptoms behind your burning skin sensation

  • How best to prevent dry skin through lifestyle changes

  • Natural treatments to heal sensitive skin

Keep reading to learn more about where the burning sensation you're experiencing comes from and how to reduce pain today.

Typical Causes of Burning Skin?

There are many potential reasons you're experiencing a burning sensation across your skin, ranging from mild skin conditions to more internal nerve disorders. So what are the most common culprits?

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a form of eczema - a chronic skin condition with no exact cause, triggered by genetic and environmental factors.

For people with atopic dermatitis, inflammatory cells within your immune system attack the top layer of your skin's barrier - the epidermis. Over time, this weakens the skin's barrier, reducing its capacity to hold and retain moisture and causing dryness and persistent itching. 

So why does eczema burn? Unfortunately, while the urge to scratch these scaly patches can be almost irresistible, intense itching can activate the raw nerve endings in your skin, creating a burning sensation and exasperating the itch-scratch cycle. 

This is very similar for people who experience psoriasis- an immune-mediated disease that causes flaky patches of skin.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is another common form of eczema caused when the skin comes into contact with irritants or allergens, triggering an allergic reaction and adverse skin reactions.

For example, contact dermatitis might be triggered by chemicals within your laundry detergentpoison ivy, certain fabrics or foods, and dust mites.

Again, a typical symptom of contact dermatitis is itchy skin, which - especially when very dry and raw - may burn or sting.

Beyond Skin Diseases

For some people, the root of your burning sensation might be more than skin deep. For example, your itchy skin could be a symptom of an underlying illness such as liver disease or a nerve disorder such as multiple sclerosis or pinched nerves.

That's why if you notice your skin feeling as if it is burning, we urge you to check in with your doctor.

Quenching The Fire: How To Prevent Burning Skin

To avoid aggravating your skin condition, we recommend turning down your bath or shower temperature and bathing in lukewarm water instead. This is especially important if your eczema has caused your skin to crack or flake. 

Particularly during bouts of cold weather, hot sun, or dry air, drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated from the inside out.

If contact dermatitis is your problem, try switching out your laundry detergent and skin care products for fragrance-free alternatives to avoid an allergic reaction.

Treating the Burning Sensation

If your itchy rash already feels burning, don't fret! Thankfully there are many steps you can take to cool and soothe your skin.


One of the fastest ways to stop the burning sensation caused by many skin diseases is to replenish your skin's optimum moisture levels, with many people choosing to use petroleum jelly or coconut oil.

For a deep treatment, we'd recommend the Hot Skin Sootherspecially designed to calm red eczema rashes, hot/tired muscles, sweat rashes, and heat rashes. Created using certified safe herbs effectively relieves burning rashes across any body part, including skin folds, armpits, groin area, and elbow and knee crease.

Oatmeal Bath

If your dry skin symptoms are more severe and widespread, it's hard to fall asleep or to get on with your day.

In these cases, taking a colloidal oatmeal bath can be a great way to soothe your itchy, red, cracked skin with wholesome ingredients and enjoy immediate, calming results. We recommend you try the Conqueror Oatmeal Bath for Eczema. Free of allergens, such as parabens and artificial fragrances, colloidal oatmeal is a rich beta-glucan source which fights skin sensitivity and diminishes visible redness.

Wet Wrapping

Another great way to find targeted relief for burning sensations in specific areas of your body is with wet-wrap therapy.

Here, you generously apply moisturizer to the burning, scaly patches on your skin, then wrap the affected area with a damp cloth or wet fabric to further lock in the moisture. Especially if you're coping with contact dermatitis, we'd recommend using the Remedywear™ (TENCEL + Zinc) Sleeves/Bandages for this process stage, made from breathable, hypoallergenic fabrics. Next, cover your wet wrap in an additional dry layer and wait overnight.

This deeply hydrating technique helps to restore the skin's dry barrierhalting persistent itching and cooling your burning skin.

Soothe Your Dry Skin Today

Follow these steps to help you regain control over your skin rash today, finding deep and lasting relief from burning skin and constant itching.