woman scratching eczema on arm

Your Guide to Managing Severe Eczema with Wet Wrap Therapy

Severe eczema (atopic dermatitis) involves uncomfortable, itchy, inflamed and scaly skin. Many people struggle to find a treatment that works. One of the best ways to manage severe eczema is covering eczema with bandage. In other words: wet wrap therapy.

Wet wrap therapy involves wrapping eczema affected areas with special bandages (wet dressings) to soothe the skin, lock in moisture and enhance topical treatments. The process can reduce flare ups and give you relief.

In this post we will cover:

  • How wet wraps works and benefits your skin

  • Step by step guide to applying wet wraps

  • Tips to get the most out of this treatment

Read on to find out how wet wrap therapy can be a lifesaver for treating severe atopic dermatitis and improving the health and comfort of your skin.

Understanding Eczema and Wet Wrap Therapy

Eczema can be debilitating, leading to intensely itchy, scaly, and inflamed skin. For those with severe eczema one of the best treatments is wet wrap therapy. This involves wet wraps—a process of wrapping eczema affected areas with layers of moist dressings to soothe and heal the skin.

Wet wrap therapy is most beneficial during severe eczema flare ups when the skin is at its most sensitive and reactive. The therapy works by keeping the affected skin moist, reducing inflammation and enhancing the absorption of topical treatments like topical corticosteroids or prescription topical medication. This will not only relieve itching but also prevent scratching which can lead to further irritation or even skin infections.

Your Guide to Your Wet Wrap Treatment

Wet wrap therapy starts with a 15-20 minute luke warm bath. Do not use soap during this bath as it can irritate sensitive eczema affected skin. After the bath gently pat dry the skin and immediately apply a natural eczema cream to lock in moisture and protect and hydrate the skin.

Next dampen form fitting wet wraps and apply to the treated areas. Many people prefer to use special clothing like our Remedywear™ bandages. Made from TENCEL and embedded with zinc fibers they provide an extra anti-inflammatory boost and are gentle on sensitive skin. Once the wet layer is on gently wrap with a dry layer of looser fitting clothing preferably 100% cotton clothing to keep the moisture in.

We recommend leaving the slightly damp wraps on for at least 2 hours or overnight so the damp layer stays moist. Once the wraps are removed reapply a thick layer of moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and protected. This will help get the most out of wet wrap therapy for eczema relief and skin healing.

Treating Eczema with Wet Wrap Therapy

Wet Wraps

These Remedywear™ (TENCEL + Zinc) Sleeves/Bandages for Babies to Adults are perfect for wet dressing for eczema as they are made from soft breathable TENCEL fabric which is gentle on sensitive skin. Embedded with zinc fibers they have natural anti-inflammatory properties to soothe the skin and promote healing. Form fitting design means they will stay in place for wet wrap therapy. Their hypoallergenic and moisture wicking qualities keep the skin cool and comfortable to enhance the eczema treatment.

Natural Cream

This Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is perfect for wet wrap therapy as it is deeply moisturizing and soothing. With medical grade Manuka honey it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to calm irritated eczema prone skin. Plus its blend of natural ingredients including organic olive oil and beeswax locks in moisture and creates a barrier to keep the skin hydrated during therapy. We love that its chemical free formula is suitable for all ages so its a top choice for wet wrap therapy for kids and adults.

The Benefits of Wet Wrap Therapy

Wet wrapping offers several advantages for those suffering from severe atopic dermatitis. Here's why we recommend wet wrap therapy:

Moisturizes the Skin

The wet dressings keep the skin moist which is key to managing eczema. Moist skin reduces the itchiness and discomfort of dry scaly skin.

Enhanced Absorption

The wet layer helps the absorption of eczema creams applied to the skin, making the treatments more effective.

Prevents Scratching

By covering the skin with wet wraps and a dry layer this prevents direct contact with the affected area and reduces the risk of scratching which can lead to a skin infection.

Soothes Itchy Skin

The coolness of the wet wrap relieves itching and provides much needed comfort especially at night when itching can be the worst.

Effectively Manage Severe Eczema

By embracing wet wrap therapy alongside targeted topical treatments and proper skin care practices, you can gain better control over eczema symptoms and enjoy more comfortable, healthier skin.