red haired woman looking in handheld mirror in shock

Can You Get Wrinkles from Eczema?

Can eczema cause wrinkles? Both eczema and wrinkles have the power to change the way your skin looks and feels. In addition, they both result from dryness. However, it’s incorrect to assume that th...
woman holding magnifying glass up to cheek to show skin

What is Disseminated Superficial Actinic Porokeratosis?

What is DSAP? Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) is the most common form of porokeratosis. Porokeratosis is a rare family of skin diseases that are characterized by a thin furrow...
woman holding hands on stomach

How to Naturally Treat Eczema on Stomach

Have you noticed that your stomach is itchy? It could be stomach eczema. While this condition is obviously uncomfortable, there are fortunately ways you can manage symptoms and control your itch. R...
woman in white tanktop looking at armpit

How to Treat Armpit Eczema Naturally

Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that can occur anywhere, including under the armpit. The folds of the body tend to be a hotspot for irritation because the skin is more likely to rub agains...
clothing tag that says 100% Polyester

How to Deal with a Polyester Allergy

Imagine you just bought yourself a beautiful new shirt. You’re so excited to wear it and happily throw it on. But then suddenly you have an itching, swelling rash on your body! If this sounds famil...
woman in sunhat with hands behind her head - back view

Eczema Summer Clothing You’ll Love

Dry winter temperatures are known to exacerbate eczema symptoms, but what about the heat of summer? While the sun definitely has some advantages for eczema prone skin, summer presents some challeng...
little girl putting cream on arm
child eczema

The Best Children’s Eczema Treatment

As a parent or caregiver, it’s very difficult to watch your child suffering from itchy, red eczema. Even after multiple trips to the doctor and countless creams and ointments, you may feel powerles...
little boy wearing washable face mask - front view and side view

The Best Washable Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

These days, it’s more important than ever to wear a face mask in public. This is not only for your safety but also for the sake of those around you. Unfortunately, for those with sensitive skin, we...
woman in white tank top scratching arm

Is Eczema an Autoimmune Disease?

Eczema is an inflammatory condition that affects 10-20% of the population. It’s characterized by rough, red, and incredibly itchy patches. Due to a damaged skin barrier, those with eczema suffer fr...